Friday, December 28, 2012

Giveaway Winter Word Work, Post-Holiday Blues, and Which Laptop!

Hi Friends! Hope you had a great Christmas!

If you feel like us you have a little post holiday blues! Really... we shop, and plan, and wrap, and make everything perfect. Then... it's all over in the blink of an eye. Then to make things even worse, we have to take down all our beautiful decorations. :( It is so sad driving though the neighborhood after Christmas when all the beautiful lights are gone!

Well... check out my dining room decor!!! I keep it up year round! I know it's probably frowned upon and I'll be talked about, but I can't seem to take it down. Its my last bit of cheer that makes me smile :).

Also check our all our kiddos and their new toys!  What fun!

Well...on another note- it is about time for me to get a new laptop. Seriously... it... is... time! 

I have no g or h key on the laptop keyboard! Seriously!!

And the power cord slips loose all the time! Now I have duct tape (albeit...cute polka dot duct tape) taping the cord in a position so that the power will stay on. If I breathe wrong...or move- the power turns off. 

I have been reading articles about which is better a Mac or Dell. I need some input. Leave a comment and tell me which laptop will be best for all my needs including school stuff, pictures from home, and building packs for our store and we will randomly draw 2 names from the comments.

The winners get our Winter Word Work Literacy Stations and Centers Pack!  It's packed with 9+ stations perfect for your centers or word work time.  The stations include games, writing, morning work, and more!

Thanks for your help!


  1. Mac! My husband and friends all use it!

  2. I'd say a Thinkpad! Sturdy and durable, especially if you have young kids!

  3. I love a Mac. I used one in college & after learning how to use it, I loved it! It was frustrating at first, but as they say, "Practice makes perfect!" :)

  4. Mac. Mac. Mac. Mac. Mac. Mac. Mac. Love love love my Mac! (Can you tell???)

    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

  5. I don't have a laptop.... *shock* but my daughter has one of each. She prefers the PC. Don't know if that makes it better or not - just saying she likes the PC better. :o)


  6. Thanks so much for the advice! We'll be sending treats soon!

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    1. Aww! Thank you Briana! That is so sweet! We are really just getting our feet wet in the blogging we are glad you like it so far!
