Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Teachers Helping Teachers!

Hey Friends!  We are blessed to be dry, safe, and sound here in Georgia, but MANY of our teacher friends are not.  We know so many teachers lost homes, classrooms, and much more during Hurricane Sandy.  Our thoughts and prayers have been sent their way, but we truly wanted to do more. 

 Laurah, over at The ESOL Odyssey, was one of the many teachers affected by the hurricane.  She has come up with a BRILLIANT idea to get much needed teaching resources into the hands of these teachers who lost so much...for FREE!

 Over 150 sellers on TPT have donated over 300 items for teachers affected by Hurricane Sandy to download for free for the next month.  We know many lost so much more than their resources, but we KNOW teachers...and not having WHAT you need WHEN you need it to teach can add so much frustration to an already overloaded situation.  Hopefully...this can take just a little bit off of their plate!  

 We donated our best selling Cruisin' Into Kindergarten:  Back to School Lessons and Activities Mega Pack and our Sight Word Journal and Practice Pack.  Hopefully some teachers can use these to make their teaching lives a bit easier!  

  Please visit Laura's blog

if you would like to donate or if you are a  Hurricane Sandy teacher and you need help!

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