Friday, July 5, 2013

Throwback Thursday - Back to School Ideas!

So we are linking up with the awesome Cara Carroll over at The First Grade Parade for her Throwback Thursday linky.  This post is about our back to school hallway theme, some tips for classroom decorating, and 2 back to school packs.  Hope you can pick up some good tips!

Originally Posted Friday, August 17th!

WOW! We are 2 weeks into school already!  Woo-hoo!  We have survived the "This is how to walk in line, Don't forget to make your lunch choice, Do you remember where to put your folder when you come in?..." procedure days!  Whew!!!  We know we must say the same things over and over and these poor babies probably get sick of hearing us!'s all worth it come Monday...ahh...blessed Monday of week 3!!!  They come in knowing just what to do (OK, so that DOESN'T include the few still in training!)!  

So we thought we could share a few pictures of our classroom setup and outside "Welcome Back" displays for those of you who haven't yet started!  Hope you enjoy!  And we'll be praying for your 1st 2 "procedure weeks" to fly by!

How do you take a boring old bookcase and make it fan-tas-tic?  Adhesive Spray!  We LOVE this stuff!  It makes it so easy to turn that yucky brown wood into this wicked cute board ready to post our Commom Core standards.  (That's one of our amazing kindergarten assistants Christie taking care of spray adhesive business!) 
(Thanks Deanna for the awesome CC standards pack!)

Boring lunch choice gone!  We LOVE this cute ribbon idea instead!  Our school mascot is the gator so we turned these little ice cream spoons into waaaay cute alligators for the kiddos to make lunch choices.  (We are not even gonna lie, cause when we say "we", we really mean our awesome assistant Natalie who is the WAY creative one in the group!)
Here's Page and Natalie's "welcome back" display!  What do you think?  Pretty awesome, huh?  (And if you are thinking, "I bet Natalie-the creative one-made that rocket...then you have already caught on to how we roll! )

Here's Cristy and Christie's "welcome back" display.  We won't lie...we are NOT as creative as Natalie the rock star.  So we enlarged cute graphics we purchased and then traced the designs onto bulletin board paper.  We added the silver paper for bumpers and headlights...That counts as creative, right?  :)
 Here's hoping your school year starts out great!

Check out our Back to School Lessons and Activities Pack and our Back to School Commom Core Kindergarten Math Unit 1 Pack to make your first weeks a "smooth ride".


1 comment:

  1. Just reading your post. Autumn and I made the mistake of using her hot glue gun to put fabric on the back of her book case. The spray would have worked better and made voice levels and tension lower.
