Monday, September 29, 2014

Tips to Score TOPS on a Teacher Evaluation

Who is going through an intensive teacher evaluation/effectiveness program??? Here in Georgia, all teachers/leaders are required to be a part of the TKES - Teacher Keys Effectiveness System. This systems measures teacher effectiveness by looking at student growth and teacher performance on 10 standards (included are 4 -10 minute walkthroughs and 2- 30 minutes formative observations)

Here are just a few quick tips to help you show how AWESOME you are in the category of Instructional Delivery! Those observing are looking for consistency of practice so incorporate the tips and make them become a natural part of your routine.

We would love to know what you have to do in other states!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm in GA. My district piloted the TKES system for the past 2 years, so we are in our 3rd year of it! It's intensive! Thank you for sharing these tips. :)
