Poor Cristy has been working her fingers to the bones while I again went OFF the GRID for a while. I am not great at staying home on a week vacation or longer. We had to head off to the beach with the fam and no Internet! It was a fun week in the sun (most of the week). Then, we ended our week with an awesome evening wedding at our family farm. Here are a couple of pictures.
So, that was last weekend! Where have we been since then? Well, Cristy has been super duper busy working on the Measurement Unit for Common Core- Unit 5! It is going to be AMAZING!! It will definitely be worth the wait. You know how it is, you have to ponder what to put in the pack then you have to pack it full with everything that we or you may need!!
Also, Cristy has been planning and then spending an AWESOME weekend with her HUBBY! It was a perfect BIRTHDAY SURPRISE, any man's dream weekend! What man wouldn't enjoy going to a clay course where you use a golf cart to get from target to target and shoot 'em up with your HONEY!! Check out the cute lovebirds :)! That was just the beginning of their weekend adventure, but I will let Cristy fill you in on the rest of the trip :). I probably am in trouble for spilling these beans already!
Sorry if you came here for an educational blog and we are filling it full of personal FUN TIMES, but I couldn't help but share.
On to our Super Scientists. After the week long unit, my student teacher, Mrs. Kari, taught on Living and Non-Living, she ended it with an awesome performance task. Where did she get this idea for the task???? Where else, Teachers Pay Teachers. Thanks so much for the awesome idea.
The kiddos were sent out as SCIENTISTS to observe and record 6 things. They had to find living and non-living things on the playground. The kiddos had a blast and their work was FABULOUS!! Check them out. I will be adding a shout out and link to the Unit we got this idea from tomorrow.
Glad to be back blogging! We'll be blogging again very soon! We have lots to share. Next up will be fun stuff about our unit on living things! If you have any great ideas, let us know!

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