The Great!
Epic Greatness: Class Dojo
We loved, loved using Class Dojo! This is an online FREE (for now) behavior management program!! I say FREE for NOW (not because I have insider info), but it just seems every time we find something GOOD that is free and online, eventually it is not free after the world sees how awesome it is! Anyway enjoy free as long as you can.
This online program allows you to assign an avatar to all of your kiddos then award them positive and negative behavior points! You can customize the behaviors and make them as specific as you want. You can also give your kiddos their own code so they can create and customize their own avatar. We used that as an incentive for when they got to a certain number of points!! CLASS DOJO is awesome!! It made our classroom such a more positive place!! It was way better than that stinky old, negative Red Light! Click the image below to visit the Class Dojo site and learn more!!
The Sad!
EPIC SADNESS: Mr. Marc- Adventures to Fitness
Our kiddos loved getting their wiggles out to Mr. Marc during Adventures to Fitness! Mr. Marc has several online episodes that you can tie to curriculum and the kids just love them!! But guess what happened to this awesome site halfway through our school year???? I bet you know!!! Yep, they started charging money for accessing the episodes! There are 5 free episodes but that is not even close to the number available that can really align withe the curriculum! Sad news for us and for our kiddos, because as teachers, we can't afford to purchase them and our school doesn't have funds either!! Boohoo!!!
Thanks for reading!

Parents loved it too! It was nice to be able to follow along with your child's day. Even with Kinders, when you ask "what did you do at school today", you usually get "I don't know". This gave us talking points. "Oh you got a point for this. What did you do?". And of course, when they got points taken away, that's something to discuss as well. Our daughter loved earning the code to customize her own little monster pal.