Monday, August 24, 2015
A Favorite DAD!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015
A Little Faculty FUN
My little one resting after running away from pre-k!!
Wish me luck!!
We would love to hear some fun ideas you guys do at your faculty meetings!!!
Thanks for reading!!

Sunday, August 9, 2015
Hallway Displays for BACK TO SCHOOL!
So I do have to say I'm pretty darn proud of this. First off, we came up with the idea COMPLETELY by ourselves. I mean, that's a pretty big deal...right? Since Pinterest hit the scene, I mostly just hopped over there and found something. But this idea...it just came to us. Well...we did have a little help! Here goes....The adorable lady selling popsicles out of the back of our truck is my bestie and my teaching TA. We take an annual girls trip with another longtime teaching friend, and we've just added said besties oldest daughter to the mix the last 2 years. Maggie is 24 so she counts for an adult, plus she keeps us young (I mean...Christie and I are in our mid forties...sometimes naps sound better than late nights out if you know what I mean!)
Anyway, as we were soaking up the sun relaxing on the beach..."When what to our wondering eyes did appear, but an ice cream truck bringing lots of cheer!" We heard the tunes playing and Maggie and I were both like "Hey, we could do a hall display!" I mean seriously, do we teachers ever STOP doing the teacher thing...I mean ever...even while relaxing on the beach!!!
So the idea was hatched then and there. Maggie said she could do her magic on the popsicle creating using her Cameo, Silhouette, or whatever her fancy machine is! Popsicles...done! I knew I could use some KG fonts to bust out a cute title. So all that was left was an ice cream truck design. That would be easy. I headed over to TPT and found some cute clip art from Monster Wrangler Mike. Normally Christie has me print it out, transfers it to a transparency, enlarges it onto the board using an overhead, traces it onto butcher paper, and 10 hours later...VOILA! But seriously, she was working a part time summer job and wasn't able to help. Maggie and I have NO PATIENCE for that. So we did the super fast route of printing out his ice cream truck image, and drawing that sucker freehand on the paper! I think we kinda rocked that part!
Then we put it all up. I knew it needed something else...especially a way to show the kid's names. So I added the "Fogle and Mappin's KINDERGARTEN Ice Cream Truck" sign and put the kiddo's names as "Flavors of the Year". It was still missing something...in comes my amazing coworkers to save the day. Meredith, the Pre-K teacher from across the hall, says "Why don't you put your pictures on there? One of you driving and one of you selling popsicles?" She's a genius I tell you. So we took some photos, cut them out...and BAM! It was finished. (Unless you count the fact that I was driving a magical truck because I had no steering wheel! In came another fabulous coworker, Janene, who printed me one and even added it to the display!) DONE! and DONE!
Here are just a few of the other super cute hall displays. Some of these are original ideas, and some were inspired by Pinterest, but I think they all turned out fantastic!

Saturday, August 8, 2015
SitSpots Giveaway WINNER!!!
Sheryl, you are the LUCKY winner! I'll be emailing you the gift card code for your $50 SitSpots prize! We truly hope you love these bad boys as much as we do.
And if you don't know too much about SitSpots, but now you're thinking "What are these magical creatures and how do they work?"...then head over to SitSpots to read all about them or our SitSpots Blog Post.
And as an update....We started school yesterday and the kiddos loved them. They thought they were cool and they thought choosing a color was pretty awesome. (Side note...I did have ONE friend that considered pulling one up...you should have heard the teeth sucking going on in my room. If the kids could have shot darts from their eyes...they would have. Needless to say, he politely smoothed that sucker RIGHT back down!!!!)
And A HUGE THANK YOU to Joyce over at SitSpots for her VERY GENEROUS donation!

Thursday, August 6, 2015
I-Pad Air 2 Giveaway...and More!

Sunday, August 2, 2015
TPT "LOVE Back to School" SALE!
This fun little number can be found in the Back to School Galore Pack too. But if you just need a quick back to school activity, you can grab this Back To School Keepsake Flapbook by it's self for ONLY $2.16!
Some other GREAT deals include our Interactive Sight Word Flap Books, Readers, and More! Since this is an already discounted bundle, the savings are even BIGGER!
Regular Price Before Bundling: $40.00
Bundle Discount: -$16.00
With 20% Sale Discount: -$4.80
With TPT Code BTS15: -$1.92
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Thanks Gabby for the adorable button! |

Saturday, August 1, 2015
SitSpots GIVEAWAY! I'm in LOVE!
That woman cracks me up y'all! I totally envision the carpet squares ending up this way when I tell the kids to bring them in. SOOOO... to solve the rug dilemma...I bought my OWN 8x12 rug from Lowe's for $72 bucks. Now the tag said it was "charcoal", but once I got it in my room it said "black". To be honest, I am feeling some serious love for it, but I already know that my teaching partner is going to beat me. Beat me, I tell you. My brand new rug is not so good at hiding stuff, what with it being "black - supposed to be charcoal" and all. I bought a Shark vacuum cleaner to solve that. Now that woman can vacuum to her heart's content and fall in love with the rug too. But...I digress!!!
So how did I solve the whole "island, peninsula, what kinda order is this"seating dilemma? I bought SitSpots. I did y'all! I really did. And I swear I believe in my heart that it may just be the best $55 dollars I have ever spent.
They look SO bright and happy on my rug. EVERYBODY has a spot and this OCD teacher is happy for some order! AND the best part is the rug and spots came in at just $135 total! Way better than $400+. And to be honest, I think it's WAAAAY cuter. No offense to my old rug, this one just matches my class decor perfectly. And did I mention I can wash those SitSpots and keep that rug looking beautiful! And did I also mention that this suckers stay put. You can vacuum right over them with no worries, and you KNOW that will make my teaching partner very happy. And did I also also mention that they come in all sorts of bright colors and even other shapes like stars and hearts and fish, oh my! People...it's my JAM! I am one happy girl! Now...let's just hope none of my sweet new babies even CONSIDER pulling up 1 of my SPOTS!
And do you remember when I said it was the best $55 I have ever spent? Well...here's YOUR CHANCE for it to be the BEST $50 you DON'T have to spend! That's right! You get a chance to win $50 in SitSpots for FREE! I know, right!!!!
I emailed Joyce over at SitSpots to see if they had any coupon codes going on right now that I could offer to you all. And that sweet woman, well she did even better. She said "How about you give a $50 SitSpots gift card code away to a reader!" And I was all like "Woman, I love you! Sit Spots are my new JAM and now I get to share them with a bloggy friend". (Or something along those lines...I was so excited who knows what I emailed her!) It was a happy moment I tell you!

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