C: Hi everyone! We are joining up with our friends over at
Created for Learning for another FUN linky!
Created for Learning is a hubby and wife duo working together in life AND in their TpT store. Page met them face to face at the TpT conference and fell in love right away. They were both so helpful and shared TONS of great tips about making top notch products among other things.
P: It was pure luck that I met Lisa and Jonathan. Lisa immediately recognized that I was alone and sad to be alone! She extended an invitation to hang with them and it was instant FRIENDSHIP!! We had an amazing time and after I left, I felt like we had been friends forever!! Amazing couple with cutie pie kiddos!!
So we were both really excited when they emailed us about a linky they were planning. The ENTIRE linky will revolve around getting to know some of the TEAMS out there!
So...here are our interview questions. Hope you enjoy!
Where did you meet?
C: SHORT VERSION: Page was hired on at the school I was currently working in. Funny story...I actually was part of the interview team and I LOVED her right away, but she maybe said "kicks butt" and "suck at delegating" during the interview! Holy smokes! We had to BEG our principal to hire her and trust us! She did and we were all VERY grateful...because Page rocked!
LONG VERSION: To the tune of The Brady Bunch :)
Here's the story of a lovely teacher,
Who was teaching lots of boys and girls.
All of them were cute and bright,
Like their teacher--
The youngest one was 4.
Here's the story of another teacher,
Who was teaching very far away.
Then she moved to Newnan, Georgia
To continue teaching.
Yet she was all alone.
Till the one day when Page met Cristy,
And they knew that they were perfectly paired,
That these two might somehow form a friendship!!
That's the way that we became... Kindergarten Squared!!
Kindergarten Squared... dah, dun, dah, dun
Kindergarten Squared...dah, dun, dah, dun
That's the way we became... Kindergarten Squared!!
P: Ahhh I love our Brady Bunch song! Cristy nailed it on our first meet up!! It was an awesome interview! What I remember most was really wanting to work with her and the the other k girls!! I was ready to grow professionally and knew that Cristy was who I wanted to learn from!!
C: I would say that we both do a little bit of everything. We brainstorm a lot to get ideas for new products. We both create products and edit for each other. (I maybe have to edit Page a bit more...you'll see why in the "do you have nicknames section") I do all the Pinterest who-ha! We both Instagram, but I am probably more the IG crack head! Page is kicking around the idea of starting a Facebook page. We both blog (OK...so we maybe both stink at that...I swear between the TWO of us, we still somehow manage to only blog every 3 days or so!) So I think all in all, we are a pretty good duo mix!
P: I agree with Cristy except she does waaaayyyy more!! I like to chug along at our products that are predictable and add to our bundles! Cristy is the dynamic partner that creates products that have sales that sky rocket!! She really should fire me!! I do appreciate that every time I bring up her amazing products that sell like HOT CAKES that she reminds me that I created the tpt account for us to get started. Not really sure how long that will carry me with her amazing talent!!
C: Working and planning with someone I truly respect. I think we both expect much from ourselves and we like that we push each other to do more, be better, and NEVER quit learning and changing how we teach! Also...we both like a nice pedi here and there! ;)
P: DITTO!! Cristy is awesome! Professional, knowledgeable and agrees with me on everything curricular!! Love it! Sometimes it's hard to convince people that you are always right, but with Cristy, we are always right together (or at least we think we are). Pedi's are awesome especially when we can go together!!!
Do you have nicknames for each other?
C: Why do I have to edit a little more???...well...that's because "Quick Click Page" types faster than the roadrunner runs! (Think "Meep! Meep!" and Wile E Coyote!) That woman's fingers have flames shooting out from them as she pings here and there on her keyboard! That woman is WILD I tell you!!! I'm not sure what nicknames Page has for me...at least she doesn't tell them to my face...but maybe "Anal Annie" would be a good one. I OBSESS over statistics, products, and little details! I'm pretty sure that maybe drives her crazy!
P: Yeah yeah I am quick clicker, but Cristy is the comma, grammer an spacing police! She really can tell if I put an extra space, used a crazy comma, or misspelled a ton of words. Ok, that's a good thing!! Thank goodness for Cristy's editing skills! Without her editing, we would have some ticked off customers!!
What is your teaching theme song? (Either what song inspires your teaching or, totally pretend, what song would play when you're introduced, like at a sporting event?)
C: Here Comes the BOOM! OK...so Page may not agree with this one! Maybe it's my LOVE of college football that made this come to mind (GO DAWGS!!!...even though the defense did NOT show up against South Carolina and that stinkin' Steve Spurrier beat us again...not that I'm bitter...but I am...RANT over!) This also comes to mind because Page and I are both SUPER competitive...both IN the classroom...and ON the field! We like to WIN! So..."BOOM! Here Comes the BOOM! Ready or Not, Here Comes the GIRLS from the South!...BOOM!
P: Ok I am not a big music connoisseur, but if I had to choose it would be the Lego Movie theme song
Everything is awesome!! Everything is cool when you're part of a team!
I love, love the song by Bruno Mars, You Can Count on ME
You can count on me like 1, 2, 3
I'll be there
And I know I can count on you like 4, 3, 2
You'll be there!!
Yep!! That's Kindergarten Squared!! Awesome team who will always be there for each other!!
If you could dress-up to go somewhere, what would you wear and where would you go?
C: I'm thinking if Page and I were BOTH going somewhere together...especially if the hubs' were coming...it would be to a music event...like Jimmy Buffet or something like that! We've been there and done that and had a WHOLE lot of fun...so we would probably wear something snazzy and comfy all rolled into one!
P: Woohoo I do love some Buffet!! I like to go anywhere! Comfy jeans are always a must but who doesn't love to add a tiara to the outfit!! Ok, Cristy doesn't really do tiaras, but I always love a tiara!!
Which do you prefer, cookies, brownies, or neither?
C:Yes, please! (Oh...wait! Were we only supposed to pick ONE????)
P: You know I can pick one!! It is cookies definitely, but not just any cookies!! I prefer the sweet, yummy beautiful cookies that my friend Cristy used to make, but now neglects me by not baking those sweet, gorgeous treats! Seriously!! Hands down, the best cookies every! One time I found one hidden away that was only half eat about a month after she gave them to me! It was like I won the lottery!! It tasked like heaven!!
Name something you've created that you love using in your classroom?
C: We use ALL of our own
Common Core Math Units! The county and state frameworks have some good games and lesson ideas, but they LOOK SO BORING! I'm not quite sure how they are supposed to grab and hold the attention of our 5 year olds! So we use the HECK out of the games, lessons, and printables that we created!
P: We also use every week our
Alphabet Word Work packs!! We really love using these as part of Daily 5!They may seem challenging, but we feel they are easy to differentiate and help increase the rigor in our rooms!
C: So there you have it...now head over to
Created for Learning to meet Lisa and Jonathan and some other great teams! Have fun!