So ok, day 1 of break did NOT quite get started like I had planned. When your 9 year old comes into the room and STOPS playing with his cousins who he hardly ever gets to see but totally adores, and brings a blanket and pillow and lays down on the FLOOR---the floor I tell you---and says he's just tired---Well!--- Don't believe him!!! Go ahead and get out the meds, get the doctor on speed dial, and start your break off with a bang! Turns out it's strep, but he already got that "glorious makes you feel better in like 5 seconds" booty shot, and he's already on the mend! Just in time to make it to church for Easter!
So maybe day 1 will NOT be my favorite spring break day! That's ok, there's plenty of time left to have some fun and find some mischief in which to partake! :)
And since spring break is here, that already has me thinking about SUMMER!!!! Once we go back April 7th, it feels like the rest of the year stinkin' FLIES by!
And then...the LAST week of school! "YAY!" and "Oh dear lord have mercy, these kiddos are bonkers!" happens ALL at the same time.
Our sweet littles are absolutely OFF THE CHAIN that last week! So that just will not do for us! We like order, focus, perfection---well---at least some ORGANIZED chaos versus just plain old OFF THE CHAIN chaos! ;)
That's why we put our heads together last year and came up with something FUN but still standards driven to keep our kiddos engaged and keep us SANE! And well, what do you know, it ACTUALLY worked! We really and truly LOVED our last week of school.
We have ALWAYS had a different theme day for each day of the last week since as far back as I can remember. We had fun things planned, but it just seemed like we weren't focused and the behavior got a little bit cuh-ray-zy! And by a little bit, I really mean crazy with a CAPITAL C!
So last year we decided to create writing and math activities to go along with each theme. We went a little overboard and made TOO many things to do in only 1 day, so we may extend some of the theme days to 2 or 3 days each this year. The kiddos LOVED completing the different graphs, activities, games, and fun stuff so much that they really didn't have much time left to get all CRAY-CRAY on us!
The last week was actually F-U-N! I was extra sad to see the littles go when the last day finally arrived! True story!
Anyway, we posted each of our theme days last year back when we were just starting out on TPT. Let me just tell you that we have made A LOT of progress since then and when we looked back at our theme packs we were a little bit mortified---ok maybe A LOT mortified ! So---that means time for an upgrade!!!
Here's the new, waaaaay cuter, 10 pages of activities and games added, and just all around BETTER...
Here's a quick peek!
Click the images above or below to purchase the pack at TPT!
Here's the "I need to see some more, please" peek!
If you think it will do the trick, please leave us a comment below to have a chance to win this pack. We'll give it away to 2 randomly selected winners! Well choose the winners in a couple of days!
We would love to hear some of the tricks you have up your own sleeve to keep your littles in line those last few days of school! It will be here before we know it! :)