Was it the the money that stood out about this AMAZING LADY? Did she dress in DIAMONDS and FANCY CLOTHES??? NO!!
It was her STORY that was from the HEART that made her worth a million dollars in my eyes!! During her story I laughed, cried and reflected on how I was living my life.
I won't tell her story, but just know, she came from humble beginnings, worked hard, helped her family that was in desperate need by improving the quality of their lives, and earned an awesome payout!! Wow- she deserves to be a millionaire, just from how she lives her life!
Why do I tell you about Deanna Jump??? She did give us some tips for having a successful tpt store.
1. Start a blog if you don't have one!
2. Network with the awesome bloggers who have been blogging already
3. Make great products and get them out in the world (email them to teacher friends or strangers who teach in other schools for FREE)- If you send it to them, they will come!! COME TO YOUR STORE!!
4. Update older products so that your customers feel you are giving them the best customer service ever!!
5. Keep trying!!
5. Be grateful!
Hope everyone is enjoying the rest of their summer!! Cristy is headed to the beach with her pals for girls weekend!! WILD TIMES!! I am headed back to work. Hmmm why is Cristy enjoying more summer, while I am headed back to work?? Hmmmm more to come..... ?
Don't forget to enter the big GIVE AWAYS! Check them out BELOW
We have 5 products featured in our KINDERGARTEN Giveaway!
These are ALL products that will help make your BACK to SCHOOL prep SO much easier as well as keep your classroom running smoothly all year long!
Click on ANY of the product photos to take a closer look!
Click on ANY of the product photos to take a closer look!
We have 4 products featured in our
1ST GRADE Giveaway!
Oh man, here you will find goodies that can make your teaching much easier as well as a Winner's Choice prize so you can look for just the right item to make you sing!
Click on ANY of the product photos to take a closer look!
You are MORE than welcome to enter BOTH giveaways if you think the products will work for you, but we did want to split them up so we can have 2 WINNERS! And so that you get JUST THE RIGHT products for you and your kiddos.

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