Monday, weather reports predicted snowfall with possible accumulation on Tuesday! Our county leaders announced for staff to report to school, but no kids. Our fabulous school system LEADERS then sent us home yesterday before noon.
Snow fell and fell and fell!! While it was super beautiful and easy to enjoy for those of us in our homes, for the rest of the area it was anything but great!!! It was a NIGHTMARE!!
There have been reports of students/teachers stranded in schools, buses having to return to school because of road conditions, and parents who have walked several miles to just make sure their baby was safe at the school!
We have also seen reports of so many of our friends and loved ones stranded in that mess in Atlanta, Georgia!! We have been on pins and needles praying for every one's safe arrival home!
We are snothankful for all of the awesome acts of kindness by first responders and people in the Atlanta area who just tried to help in anyway that they could!
We are snothankful for all of those families that have been finally reunited!!
Sending prayers to all of those who are still stranded and trying to get to their destination!!
Have a great week!
We have 1 more snow day tomorrow in order for road conditions to improve. Hoping to go to school on Friday! Keep your fingers crossed!